What is AI art in Game Development? Explore AI Art Types and Tools

What is AI art in Game Development? Explore AI Art Types and Tools


Gaming Art


October 30, 2023


4 min read

AI art is creating hype in the gaming and art industry. Although everyone seems to be talking about it every now and then, barely anyone knows what it actually is. At its core, AI art involves creating artwork with a level of complexity and detail that is challenging for human artists to achieve alone. 


AI art has boosted the skills of game artists but has also accelerated the game art development process including game assets, 3D models, textures, etc. This advanced technology is so versatile that it is serving a helping hand to designers and artists with enhanced creativity, intricate precision, and futuristic art style. 


This blog features how game artists are making the most out of AI art generators to create amazing artworks for video game development.


What is AI Art in Game Development?


Artificial Intelligence art is created by AI techniques where algorithms and machine learning models work together to generate amazing artwork elements. 


These elements include character design, environment design, textures, and animations. AI Artists are making the most out of AI-generated art to create the most amazing artworks for video games. Video games, such as Disco Elysium used AI textures to create unique visuals and “No Man’s Sky” used AI to create procedural impressive planets. 


Although AI-generated art is in its development stage, it is still being used by the game industry to create impressive game assets such as game environments, characters, animations, etc. AI-generated art has streamlined the game art process and allowed game developers to focus on other aspects of the video game, such as storytelling and gameplay. 

Take a look at how AI-generated art is doing wonders in game development.



Unique Characters


AI art generators create characters that are both unique and different, based on text descriptions. AI art solution is an ideal choice for all those games that require distinct characters plus those that allows players to create their own characters.



Realistic Environments


When it comes to creating realistic and detailed environments, AI art generators generate images for a wide variety of game environments, such as interiors, landscapes, and cities. Without the need for creating the environments from scratch, AI-generated environments save a lot of time and effort for game developers to produce high-quality results, even for complex environments. 



Textures and Animations


When it comes to textures and animations, AI art generators also help create textures and animations for different game objects, such as characters, weapons, and vehicles. AI-generated textures and animations create a more immersive and realistic game world with improved visual quality, reduce development time and cost, and allow developers to come up with unique ideas.  


So, Yes, it is safe to say that even in the ongoing development stage of Artificial Intelligence art generators, AI generators are still making waves in the gaming sector and revolutionizing the way we approach game art and design. 


AI Artists Or Game Artists? Who Takes The Lead?


Artificial Intelligence art isn't just about technology. It raises big questions too like who should get the credit for the artwork? Is it the human artist who created the algorithms? Or is it the AI itself? or both? Some people believe that human artists deserve credit as they are the ones who guide and direct the AI. 


There’s no denying the fact that "AI artists" are usually interpreted in two different ways. 


Some believe that AI artists are human artists who leverage AI technology as a tool in their creative work to produce intriguing works of art. They make the most out of AI technology to enhance their artistic creation.


While others believe that AI artists are not conventional artists, these are AI systems themselves. These AI systems are powered by artificial intelligence to create incredible artworks without direct human intervention. 


So, who takes the lead?


In our opinion, it is a collaborative effort of both the human artist and artificial intelligence. They both should share credit as the human guides AI and then AI works on the provided instructions to generate stunning artwork. So, yes, it's the mutual efforts of both humans and AI-generated algorithms to create remarkable artistic artworks. 


Since both these interpretations feature the dynamic relationship between human creativity and AI capabilities in the realm of art, this raises the question, "What type of art does AI create?" 


Types of AI Art in Video Games


When it comes to video games, artificial intelligence art is used to create everything from realistic characters and environments to unique visuals. Artificial Intelligence art in video games is characterized by its diversity that enhances the gaming experience in different ways. Each of the different types of AI art contributes to enhancing the visual and interactive aspect of gaming. 


Some of the most prominent game AI art styles that game designers and artists encompass are visual art, Abstract art, 3D sculpting and modeling, texture art, visual effects, storyboarding, and much more.


Texture Art


Generates detailed textures for game objects, characters, and environments.


3D Models


Creates complex 3D models like props, characters, and scenes. 


Concept Art


Assists in generating inspiring concept art for game design.


Character Design


Suggests variations in character appearance and features.


Level Design


AI generates diverse level layouts and terrain.


Visual Art


Includes paintings, illustrations, and digital artwork.


Abstract Art


Includes intricate and visually striking abstract compositions.


Sculpture and 3D Art


Includes virtual sculptures and three-dimensional models.

These are just a few examples of the diverse range of art that AI art generators produce. By making the most out of AI algorithms and machine learning techniques, artists and designers explore new creative possibilities and generate captivating artworks across various video game genres. 


Are There Any Ethical Considerations For AI Art Production?


Everyone believes in the fact that Artificial Intelligence art is a powerful tool for good and is making video games more inclusive, diverse, and creative. At the same time, some serious concerns need to be addressed responsibly and ethically.

Let’s talk about some ethical concerns that are very important to consider. 



AI-generated Art often resembles existing artworks or even copies them. It raises questions about ownership and copyright. Who should claim the ownership of the Art? Does the original artist deserve the credit? Is it ok to utilize AI-generated Art in video games without consent? 


Bias and Stereotype


AI isn't immune to biases. It can unintendedly amplify them. AI learns from the data it's trained on, and if that data carries biases or stereotypes, the art it generates unconsciously reinforces those harmful stereotypes. So, we must ensure that AI-generated art remains inclusive and free from discrimination. 




Transparency is one of the most serious ethical concerns while generating AI art. Understanding AI-generated Art is challenging, and this lack of transparency raises concerns about who will be responsible if something goes wrong with the Art. Achieving transparency in this process is important for identifying and addressing issues to ensure what's due. 

Now that you know the major ethical concerns associated with using AI-generated artwork, we have shared some tips to help you navigate the ethical landscape more effectively and strategically. 

  1. Make clear rules about who owns the AI-generated art and how it can be used. Give credit to both the AI and human creators when needed.

  2. Choose your AI's training data carefully to avoid any unfair biases. Get feedback from different people to keep everything inclusive.

  3. Keep track of how the AI makes art, including the data and methods it uses. Make sure everyone on the team knows who's accountable for the AI-generated content.

These quick tips will help you handle the ethical side of using artificial intelligence in video games that will make everything transparent and fair. 


5 Best AI Art Generators for Game Development


AI artists, whether human artists or AI systems, different AI generators are used to produce stunning pieces of AI artwork. Each AI art generator boasts unique capabilities and allows artists to experiment with AI-driven creativity to produce unique artwork.

Let's explore some innovative AI art generators!






Midjourney is an AI art platform that combines deep learning algorithms with artistic creativity. It allows artists to generate unique and mesmerizing visuals by leveraging the power of AI. With Midjourney, artists get the chance to explore new possibilities and expand the horizons of their creativity. 


Google Deep Dream 


Google Deep Dream


Google Deep Dream is an innovative AI art generator that turns ordinary images into something extraordinary. It uses advanced techniques called neural networks to enhance image patterns and textures, resulting in dream-like and captivating visuals. Deep Dream creates a surreal experience that captivates and mesmerizes viewers.






DALL·E is an AI art generator developed by OpenAI. It takes text descriptions as input and produces unique and imaginative images based on the descriptions. It showcases the potential of AI in visual creativity as it can generate visuals based on specific descriptions which results in unexpected and thought-provoking compositions. 


Adobe Firefly


Adobe Firefly


Adobe Firefly is an AI-powered art generator developed by Adobe. It offers artists a range of creative tools and techniques to produce captivating artworks. Using AI algorithms, Firefly allows artists to experiment with different styles, textures, and visual effects that spark their creativity and illuminate new artistic possibilities. is an AI art platform that combines machine learning with human creativity. It assists artists in creating visually appealing artwork by offering a suite of AI-powered tools and filters. With, artists discover new techniques and styles while blending their personal touch into their creations.


The Future Of AI In The Art Landscape


The future of AI in art is inspiring and will bring about significant changes. AI is already helping artists by giving them new ideas and ways to create. It can even make its own unique art! 

AI is a powerful tool that allows game artists to experiment with new things they couldn't do before. As the association between AI and art will keep changing and growing, game artists will make the best of their creative abilities to come up with innovative ideas. So, that’s how it will shape the art landscape in the future.


AI Art in Game Development | InvoGames 

If you are looking to make the most out of AI and take your game design and development to a whole new level, consider InvoGames. Our expertise in combining AI and art will help you create immersive and groundbreaking gaming experiences. Let’s work together and make something bigger and better.

AI art is creating hype in the gaming and art industry. Although everyone seems to be talking about it every now and then, barely anyone knows what it actually is. At its core, AI art involves creating artwork with a level of complexity and detail that is challenging for human artists to achieve alone. 


AI art has boosted the skills of game artists but has also accelerated the game art development process including game assets, 3D models, textures, etc. This advanced technology is so versatile that it is serving a helping hand to designers and artists with enhanced creativity, intricate precision, and futuristic art style. 


This blog features how game artists are making the most out of AI art generators to create amazing artworks for video game development.


What is AI Art in Game Development?


Artificial Intelligence art is created by AI techniques where algorithms and machine learning models work together to generate amazing artwork elements. 


These elements include character design, environment design, textures, and animations. AI Artists are making the most out of AI-generated art to create the most amazing artworks for video games. Video games, such as Disco Elysium used AI textures to create unique visuals and “No Man’s Sky” used AI to create procedural impressive planets. 


Although AI-generated art is in its development stage, it is still being used by the game industry to create impressive game assets such as game environments, characters, animations, etc. AI-generated art has streamlined the game art process and allowed game developers to focus on other aspects of the video game, such as storytelling and gameplay. 

Take a look at how AI-generated art is doing wonders in game development.



Unique Characters


AI art generators create characters that are both unique and different, based on text descriptions. AI art solution is an ideal choice for all those games that require distinct characters plus those that allows players to create their own characters.



Realistic Environments


When it comes to creating realistic and detailed environments, AI art generators generate images for a wide variety of game environments, such as interiors, landscapes, and cities. Without the need for creating the environments from scratch, AI-generated environments save a lot of time and effort for game developers to produce high-quality results, even for complex environments. 



Textures and Animations


When it comes to textures and animations, AI art generators also help create textures and animations for different game objects, such as characters, weapons, and vehicles. AI-generated textures and animations create a more immersive and realistic game world with improved visual quality, reduce development time and cost, and allow developers to come up with unique ideas.  


So, Yes, it is safe to say that even in the ongoing development stage of Artificial Intelligence art generators, AI generators are still making waves in the gaming sector and revolutionizing the way we approach game art and design. 


AI Artists Or Game Artists? Who Takes The Lead?


Artificial Intelligence art isn't just about technology. It raises big questions too like who should get the credit for the artwork? Is it the human artist who created the algorithms? Or is it the AI itself? or both? Some people believe that human artists deserve credit as they are the ones who guide and direct the AI. 


There’s no denying the fact that "AI artists" are usually interpreted in two different ways. 


Some believe that AI artists are human artists who leverage AI technology as a tool in their creative work to produce intriguing works of art. They make the most out of AI technology to enhance their artistic creation.


While others believe that AI artists are not conventional artists, these are AI systems themselves. These AI systems are powered by artificial intelligence to create incredible artworks without direct human intervention. 


So, who takes the lead?


In our opinion, it is a collaborative effort of both the human artist and artificial intelligence. They both should share credit as the human guides AI and then AI works on the provided instructions to generate stunning artwork. So, yes, it's the mutual efforts of both humans and AI-generated algorithms to create remarkable artistic artworks. 


Since both these interpretations feature the dynamic relationship between human creativity and AI capabilities in the realm of art, this raises the question, "What type of art does AI create?" 


Types of AI Art in Video Games


When it comes to video games, artificial intelligence art is used to create everything from realistic characters and environments to unique visuals. Artificial Intelligence art in video games is characterized by its diversity that enhances the gaming experience in different ways. Each of the different types of AI art contributes to enhancing the visual and interactive aspect of gaming. 


Some of the most prominent game AI art styles that game designers and artists encompass are visual art, Abstract art, 3D sculpting and modeling, texture art, visual effects, storyboarding, and much more.


Texture Art


Generates detailed textures for game objects, characters, and environments.


3D Models


Creates complex 3D models like props, characters, and scenes. 


Concept Art


Assists in generating inspiring concept art for game design.


Character Design


Suggests variations in character appearance and features.


Level Design


AI generates diverse level layouts and terrain.


Visual Art


Includes paintings, illustrations, and digital artwork.


Abstract Art


Includes intricate and visually striking abstract compositions.


Sculpture and 3D Art


Includes virtual sculptures and three-dimensional models.

These are just a few examples of the diverse range of art that AI art generators produce. By making the most out of AI algorithms and machine learning techniques, artists and designers explore new creative possibilities and generate captivating artworks across various video game genres. 


Are There Any Ethical Considerations For AI Art Production?


Everyone believes in the fact that Artificial Intelligence art is a powerful tool for good and is making video games more inclusive, diverse, and creative. At the same time, some serious concerns need to be addressed responsibly and ethically.

Let’s talk about some ethical concerns that are very important to consider. 



AI-generated Art often resembles existing artworks or even copies them. It raises questions about ownership and copyright. Who should claim the ownership of the Art? Does the original artist deserve the credit? Is it ok to utilize AI-generated Art in video games without consent? 


Bias and Stereotype


AI isn't immune to biases. It can unintendedly amplify them. AI learns from the data it's trained on, and if that data carries biases or stereotypes, the art it generates unconsciously reinforces those harmful stereotypes. So, we must ensure that AI-generated art remains inclusive and free from discrimination. 




Transparency is one of the most serious ethical concerns while generating AI art. Understanding AI-generated Art is challenging, and this lack of transparency raises concerns about who will be responsible if something goes wrong with the Art. Achieving transparency in this process is important for identifying and addressing issues to ensure what's due. 

Now that you know the major ethical concerns associated with using AI-generated artwork, we have shared some tips to help you navigate the ethical landscape more effectively and strategically. 

  1. Make clear rules about who owns the AI-generated art and how it can be used. Give credit to both the AI and human creators when needed.

  2. Choose your AI's training data carefully to avoid any unfair biases. Get feedback from different people to keep everything inclusive.

  3. Keep track of how the AI makes art, including the data and methods it uses. Make sure everyone on the team knows who's accountable for the AI-generated content.

These quick tips will help you handle the ethical side of using artificial intelligence in video games that will make everything transparent and fair. 


5 Best AI Art Generators for Game Development


AI artists, whether human artists or AI systems, different AI generators are used to produce stunning pieces of AI artwork. Each AI art generator boasts unique capabilities and allows artists to experiment with AI-driven creativity to produce unique artwork.

Let's explore some innovative AI art generators!






Midjourney is an AI art platform that combines deep learning algorithms with artistic creativity. It allows artists to generate unique and mesmerizing visuals by leveraging the power of AI. With Midjourney, artists get the chance to explore new possibilities and expand the horizons of their creativity. 


Google Deep Dream 


Google Deep Dream


Google Deep Dream is an innovative AI art generator that turns ordinary images into something extraordinary. It uses advanced techniques called neural networks to enhance image patterns and textures, resulting in dream-like and captivating visuals. Deep Dream creates a surreal experience that captivates and mesmerizes viewers.






DALL·E is an AI art generator developed by OpenAI. It takes text descriptions as input and produces unique and imaginative images based on the descriptions. It showcases the potential of AI in visual creativity as it can generate visuals based on specific descriptions which results in unexpected and thought-provoking compositions. 


Adobe Firefly


Adobe Firefly


Adobe Firefly is an AI-powered art generator developed by Adobe. It offers artists a range of creative tools and techniques to produce captivating artworks. Using AI algorithms, Firefly allows artists to experiment with different styles, textures, and visual effects that spark their creativity and illuminate new artistic possibilities. is an AI art platform that combines machine learning with human creativity. It assists artists in creating visually appealing artwork by offering a suite of AI-powered tools and filters. With, artists discover new techniques and styles while blending their personal touch into their creations.


The Future Of AI In The Art Landscape


The future of AI in art is inspiring and will bring about significant changes. AI is already helping artists by giving them new ideas and ways to create. It can even make its own unique art! 

AI is a powerful tool that allows game artists to experiment with new things they couldn't do before. As the association between AI and art will keep changing and growing, game artists will make the best of their creative abilities to come up with innovative ideas. So, that’s how it will shape the art landscape in the future.


AI Art in Game Development | InvoGames 

If you are looking to make the most out of AI and take your game design and development to a whole new level, consider InvoGames. Our expertise in combining AI and art will help you create immersive and groundbreaking gaming experiences. Let’s work together and make something bigger and better.

frequently asked questions

AI in video game development makes games more fun and challenging. It's used to create smart enemies, like clever opponents in a shooting game. AI also helps in making game characters act realistically and adapt to different situations. Overall, it makes games more exciting and enjoyable for players.

Yes, AI can make pixel art for games. It can help create pixel characters, backgrounds, and objects with intricate details. AI makes the process faster and easier, allowing game developers to add charming pixel art to their games without spending too much time.

Yes, AI can create game sprites. These are the little characters and objects you see in games. AI helps by making them quickly and in the style the game needs, saving game makers time and letting them focus on making games more fun.

Using AI-generated art for games is a bit tricky legally. It often depends on the specific art and the rules in your country. It's best to get legal advice or ensure you have the right permissions from the creators, especially if the AI art resembles existing artwork. Being cautious will always help you avoid legal issues down the road.

AI art is controversial because it raises questions about creativity and originality. Some people wonder if AI can truly create art or if it's just a tool. It can also be controversial when AI-generated art looks like someone else's work, leading to copyright concerns. Plus, there are concerns about biases in AI art, such as if it accidentally includes unfair stereotypes. So, the controversy comes from how AI challenges traditional art ideas and raises ethical issues.

Writer InvoGames

Written By:

Hareem Khalid
Senior Writer

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