Mobile Game Testing: A Complete Guide

Mobile Game Testing: A Complete Guide


Game Development


May 18, 2023


3 min read

The world of mobile gaming is progressively evolving with new exciting games introduced every single day, making competition more fierce. As millions worldwide spend their leisure time on their favorite mobile game after a day-long routine at work, there is no doubt that their energy and excitement will eventually drain with a buggy game.


Obviously, who likes playing a game where you get frozen right in the middle of your enemies, when your screen goes black, when your weapons are not working fine, or when your game restarts when you are almost there to complete a level. All of this does nothing except give a boost to your adrenaline


Let’s get you sorted!


Do you want to avoid playing mobile games that usually crash more often? Or have you ever wondered how those bugs crawl into your game? From minimal visual glitches to game-breaking bugs, we're sure you have seen everything that has made your playtime worse than ever. 


From testing the gameplay mechanics to analyzing user feedback, we'll delve deep into the world of mobile game testing and explore the ins and outs of creating an engaging game that players will love. 




Get ready to take a deep insight into our mobile game testing blog! 


A Closer Look At What is Mobile Game Testing: Why It Matters More Than You Think


Let's picture you in a scenario:


Suppose you begin playing a brand-new game you have been raving about for months. When you were eager to start playing the game, you already found bugs and glitches that ruined your excitement. 


Believe it or not,

"Nothing is worse than a game riddled with bugs and glitches."

And this is exactly where mobile game testing comes in!

Mobile game testing is an important step in a development that must be completed. It is a process where mobile game testers work on enhancing the game's stability and performance to ensure a seamless and entertaining gaming experience for gamers. Of course, everyone loves playing games that are stable and functional.


Why is mobile game testing important?


As the demand for mobile games increases yearly, so does the significance of mobile game testing. Since mobile games are developed for a diverse range of screen sizes, game developers ensure that the games work perfectly on every device as intended. 


Usually, three major factors greatly impact the users' experience with mobile games. These include:


  • User interface 
  • Performance issues
  • Game controls


If a gamer identifies any of these issues while playing, there is no turning back for them. 

In today's fast-paced world, where everyone wants to be connected to the internet wherever they go, gamers also want to enjoy their games to the fullest, no matter where they are. As it has become a need for gamers, the game's compatibility with multiple networks and connectivity is something that every gamer demands.

So, whether the game is over cellular data, Wi-Fi, or offline mode, game testing is important to meet the gamers' expectations.


Explore the different types of mobile game testing for flawless gameplay


When it comes to testing games, every tiny detail matters. As a mobile game developer, you should know which issues or bugs can be disastrous for your reputation and work on each of them keenly to avoid any inconvenience. 


To ensure a smooth gaming experience across different devices, networks, and regions, we have compiled a list of game tests you must go through before working on your mobile game. 


Functionality Testing: Ensure game mechanics work correctly. Compatibility Testing: Test on multiple devices and platforms. Performance Testing: Test game speed and load times. Security Testing: Test game security and data privacy. Usability Testing: Test user interface and game controls. Localization Testing: Test game language and cultural appropriateness.


Release Your Mobile Game Right the First Time: Why It Is Important


Prior to releasing your game to the public, game developers should test the game thoroughly to avoid game release calamity. Pre-testing your game before release can save you from


  • Negative reviews
  • Refund
  • Lost revenues


Before releasing your game, make sure to perform the following gaming test. 


Usability testing Performance testing Compatibility testing


Usability testing

Usability testing is a crucial aspect of mobile game development testing, mainly focusing on making intuitive and easy gameplay for gamers. It usually involves testing the game's user interface and controls to identify any issues influencing the player's ability to enjoy the game. 

During this test, mobile game testers carry out different techniques to analyze the game's usability, such as conducting surveys, inspecting players' behavior, and observing players while playing the game. However, by prioritizing the gamer's experience, developers can ensure their game is enjoyable, engaging, and ultimately successful with usability testing. 


Performance testing

Performance testing is another important game test directly impacting the gamer's overall playing experience. A slow and unresponsive game frustrates gamers, eventually stopping them from playing, resulting in a loss of revenue and reputation.

Therefore, to optimize the game's performance on different devices, perform game performance testing for a more successful game launch and a loyal player base. 

Compatibility testing 

Whether it is iOS or Android, a mobile game should provide players with an enjoyable and engaging experience. 

With various mobile phone models, screen sizes, and hardware configurations available in the mobile market, game developers must ensure game compatibility with everything for the game's success. If you fail to prioritize compatibility testing, don't be surprised to welcome a smaller player base and lost revenue streams. 

Keep Players Coming For More With Post-Release Game Testing

Missed identifying an issue or bug during pre-release testing? That’s exactly what post-release game testing is for!

Bug reporting and management

All the technical issues, bugs, and glitches that went unnoticed during the pre-release testing phase are documented and addressed during post-release testing. Game developers work tirelessly to resolve the issues, whether the bugs are reported by the players or by automated error-tracking systems. 

User feedback

Post-release testing is also helpful to the developers to gather honest feedback from players to identify improvement areas and understand player behavior. This feedback is important for future updates and improvements to keep gamers interested in the game in the long run. 

The Different Approaches To Mobile Game Testing Vs. Mobile App Testing


Developers and QA testers opt for different mobile application and game testing approaches. Although mobile app development and game development require rigorous testing to ensure usability, you can identify them with some key differences in their approach.


When it comes to mobile game testing, developers emphasize game functionality, gameplay, and performance to ensure the game performs smoothly without any lag. Moreover, mobile game testers evaluate the game's compatibility with various devices, screen sizes, models, and network conditions. 


On the other hand, 


Regarding mobile app testing, developers are more concerned about usability, user interface design, security testing, and data privacy concerns. Running compatibility testing is also part of mobile app testing to ensure optimized performance on different devices and platforms. 


However, despite these differences, mobile game and app testing require a comprehensive and systematic testing approach to identify and address bugs and other technical issues.


Closing Remarks


In conclusion, testing mobile games is not just about fixing bugs and errors. It is more than that. It is about ensuring a fun and engaging playing experience for gamers. As a game developer, you should invest time and effort in gameplay testing to ensure your game is all set for launch. One error is found, and you will lead your game to its failure by yourself. So, don't be surprised then!

Ready to launch your first mobile game with confidence? Reach out to us for expert mobile game testing services!

The world of mobile gaming is progressively evolving with new exciting games introduced every single day, making competition more fierce. As millions worldwide spend their leisure time on their favorite mobile game after a day-long routine at work, there is no doubt that their energy and excitement will eventually drain with a buggy game.


Obviously, who likes playing a game where you get frozen right in the middle of your enemies, when your screen goes black, when your weapons are not working fine, or when your game restarts when you are almost there to complete a level. All of this does nothing except give a boost to your adrenaline


Let’s get you sorted!


Do you want to avoid playing mobile games that usually crash more often? Or have you ever wondered how those bugs crawl into your game? From minimal visual glitches to game-breaking bugs, we're sure you have seen everything that has made your playtime worse than ever. 


From testing the gameplay mechanics to analyzing user feedback, we'll delve deep into the world of mobile game testing and explore the ins and outs of creating an engaging game that players will love. 




Get ready to take a deep insight into our mobile game testing blog! 


A Closer Look At What is Mobile Game Testing: Why It Matters More Than You Think


Let's picture you in a scenario:


Suppose you begin playing a brand-new game you have been raving about for months. When you were eager to start playing the game, you already found bugs and glitches that ruined your excitement. 


Believe it or not,

"Nothing is worse than a game riddled with bugs and glitches."

And this is exactly where mobile game testing comes in!

Mobile game testing is an important step in a development that must be completed. It is a process where mobile game testers work on enhancing the game's stability and performance to ensure a seamless and entertaining gaming experience for gamers. Of course, everyone loves playing games that are stable and functional.


Why is mobile game testing important?


As the demand for mobile games increases yearly, so does the significance of mobile game testing. Since mobile games are developed for a diverse range of screen sizes, game developers ensure that the games work perfectly on every device as intended. 


Usually, three major factors greatly impact the users' experience with mobile games. These include:


  • User interface 
  • Performance issues
  • Game controls


If a gamer identifies any of these issues while playing, there is no turning back for them. 

In today's fast-paced world, where everyone wants to be connected to the internet wherever they go, gamers also want to enjoy their games to the fullest, no matter where they are. As it has become a need for gamers, the game's compatibility with multiple networks and connectivity is something that every gamer demands.

So, whether the game is over cellular data, Wi-Fi, or offline mode, game testing is important to meet the gamers' expectations.


Explore the different types of mobile game testing for flawless gameplay


When it comes to testing games, every tiny detail matters. As a mobile game developer, you should know which issues or bugs can be disastrous for your reputation and work on each of them keenly to avoid any inconvenience. 


To ensure a smooth gaming experience across different devices, networks, and regions, we have compiled a list of game tests you must go through before working on your mobile game. 


Functionality Testing: Ensure game mechanics work correctly. Compatibility Testing: Test on multiple devices and platforms. Performance Testing: Test game speed and load times. Security Testing: Test game security and data privacy. Usability Testing: Test user interface and game controls. Localization Testing: Test game language and cultural appropriateness.


Release Your Mobile Game Right the First Time: Why It Is Important


Prior to releasing your game to the public, game developers should test the game thoroughly to avoid game release calamity. Pre-testing your game before release can save you from


  • Negative reviews
  • Refund
  • Lost revenues


Before releasing your game, make sure to perform the following gaming test. 


Usability testing Performance testing Compatibility testing


Usability testing

Usability testing is a crucial aspect of mobile game development testing, mainly focusing on making intuitive and easy gameplay for gamers. It usually involves testing the game's user interface and controls to identify any issues influencing the player's ability to enjoy the game. 

During this test, mobile game testers carry out different techniques to analyze the game's usability, such as conducting surveys, inspecting players' behavior, and observing players while playing the game. However, by prioritizing the gamer's experience, developers can ensure their game is enjoyable, engaging, and ultimately successful with usability testing. 


Performance testing

Performance testing is another important game test directly impacting the gamer's overall playing experience. A slow and unresponsive game frustrates gamers, eventually stopping them from playing, resulting in a loss of revenue and reputation.

Therefore, to optimize the game's performance on different devices, perform game performance testing for a more successful game launch and a loyal player base. 

Compatibility testing 

Whether it is iOS or Android, a mobile game should provide players with an enjoyable and engaging experience. 

With various mobile phone models, screen sizes, and hardware configurations available in the mobile market, game developers must ensure game compatibility with everything for the game's success. If you fail to prioritize compatibility testing, don't be surprised to welcome a smaller player base and lost revenue streams. 

Keep Players Coming For More With Post-Release Game Testing

Missed identifying an issue or bug during pre-release testing? That’s exactly what post-release game testing is for!

Bug reporting and management

All the technical issues, bugs, and glitches that went unnoticed during the pre-release testing phase are documented and addressed during post-release testing. Game developers work tirelessly to resolve the issues, whether the bugs are reported by the players or by automated error-tracking systems. 

User feedback

Post-release testing is also helpful to the developers to gather honest feedback from players to identify improvement areas and understand player behavior. This feedback is important for future updates and improvements to keep gamers interested in the game in the long run. 

The Different Approaches To Mobile Game Testing Vs. Mobile App Testing


Developers and QA testers opt for different mobile application and game testing approaches. Although mobile app development and game development require rigorous testing to ensure usability, you can identify them with some key differences in their approach.


When it comes to mobile game testing, developers emphasize game functionality, gameplay, and performance to ensure the game performs smoothly without any lag. Moreover, mobile game testers evaluate the game's compatibility with various devices, screen sizes, models, and network conditions. 


On the other hand, 


Regarding mobile app testing, developers are more concerned about usability, user interface design, security testing, and data privacy concerns. Running compatibility testing is also part of mobile app testing to ensure optimized performance on different devices and platforms. 


However, despite these differences, mobile game and app testing require a comprehensive and systematic testing approach to identify and address bugs and other technical issues.


Closing Remarks


In conclusion, testing mobile games is not just about fixing bugs and errors. It is more than that. It is about ensuring a fun and engaging playing experience for gamers. As a game developer, you should invest time and effort in gameplay testing to ensure your game is all set for launch. One error is found, and you will lead your game to its failure by yourself. So, don't be surprised then!

Ready to launch your first mobile game with confidence? Reach out to us for expert mobile game testing services!

frequently asked questions

Mobile game testing holds great value in the gaming industry as it helps ensure the game's success in the long run. As the mobile game is a heavily competitive market and players have high expectations of the game's performance and quality, the importance of game testing can never be underestimated. Here are numerous benefits of mobile game testing for game developers.

  • Fixing bugs and glitches
  • Ensuring game stability
  • Improving game performance
  • Enhancing user experience
  • Boosting player engagement and retention


A well-tested mobile game will likely keep players returning for more. As much as game testing is important to boost player engagement and retention, as much game developers need to make their games stand out in the market. So, to provide a positive experience and protect the game's reputation from ruin, consider the following factors while testing a mobile game before its release. 

  • Functionality: To check game features work as intended and no game-breaking issues found
  • Compatibility: To check if a mobile game works seamlessly on different devices 
  • Usability: To ensure easy navigation and game controls
  • Security: To protect personal information, no vulnerabilities. 
  • Localization: To check its compatibility with different languages and regions.

Incomplete testing, not testing on real devices, overlooking user feedback, and testing too late are some common mistakes that game developers should avoid while testing a mobile game. 


Performing game localization testing for mobile games is equally important as other mobile game tests as it helps ensure that a game is engaging, accessible, culturally relevant, and competitive in the mobile game market globally. It is essential for mobile games as it provides a localized experience to gamers from different regions of the world. 


When it comes to mobile game testing, A/B testing is used to compare different game versions to determine which version provides the best user experience, engagement, and monetization to the players. 

A/B testing in mobile game testing can be used to test different gameplay mechanics, versatile monetization strategies, multiple user interface elements, and localized versions of the mobile game. 


Writer InvoGames

Written By:

Hareem Mohsin
Chief Operating Officer

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